Size of Wales – Climate Change Action

Size of Wales – Climate Change Action

Size Of Wales

Size of Wales brings everyone in Wales together to help protect an area of tropical forest twice the size of Wales as part of a national response to climate change.

‘An area the size of Wales’ is frequently used to measure the rate of forest destruction. Through Size of Wales, City Energy is helping to turn that negative use of the country’s size on its head.

Size of Wales encourages the people and businesses like City Energy to help tackle climate change by taking simple positive actions. As a business, all of us at City Energy work at the forefront of energy saving actions on a day to day basis, helping to eradicate fuel poverty at the same time. 

Over the years we have supported many causes and not made a big fuss about it. It is what we do and who we are. Now we think its time to share some of the larger community and charitable causes that we support in the hope that our example can help you support those causes alongside City Energy. 

This year, City Energy will be getting involved with Go Green Day on Friday 13th October 2017. Are you joining the fight against climate change with us? Find us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

The size of Wales published a little something about our efforts on their own page <Click this Link>. Thank you!

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